Relation between periodontal diseases and hypertension

abd alhafed, firas abd alcid (2018-04-18)

The periodontal diseases are a group of chronic inflammatory diseases, involving the soft tissue and bone surrounding the teeth in the jaws, or known as periodontium. Periodontal diseases including gingivitis and periodontitis are among the most common dental diseases after tooth decay in humans. Periodontal diseases are characterized by inflammation of toothsupporting tissues caused by bacterial infection [1]. Gingivitis is a very common reversible condition, which manifests as redness, gum swelling, and bleeding during tooth-brushing and flossing. Gingivitis may progress into periodontitis with further destruction of periodontal tissues ligament and alveolar bone if left without appropriate treatment. Teeth may become mobile and eventually be exfoliated following the diminution of periodontal supporting tissues [2]. This process is attributed to the release of toxic products from the pathogenic bacteria plaque in addition to the inflammation of gingival tissues elicited by the host response


Periodontal Disease is an inflammatory process affecting the Periodontium, the tissue that surrounds and supports the teeth. The process usually starts with an inflammatory process of the gum (gingivitis) but it may progress with an extensive involvement of the gum, as well as the periodontal ligament and the bone surrounding the teeth resulting in substantial bone loss. Current evidence suggested that there is a potential correlation between increased blood pressure and periodontitis. However there are only limited cross sectional studies are emerging now to associate the relation between the hypertension, periodontitis, gingivitis and healthy gingiva. This study is basically done to evaluate the relation between hypertension, periodontitis gingivitis and healthy ging

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