Asymptomatic Bacteriuria among LIMU students

Gaouda, Fatma (2022-09-12)


The goal of this study is to seek out how common asymptomatic bacteriuria is among Libyan International Medical University students. There are twenty-four participants students during this study. urine samples were taken from each man and woman. Around 54.1 % of LIMU students have asymptomatic bacteriuria, which is outlined as a significant microorganism count within the urine. during this study, the chi-squared test and also the Fisher's exact test was used, and the results revealed that (P=0.018) there have been statistically significant variations in asymptomatic bacteriuria by gender. Females were more possible than males to possess asymptomatic bacteriuria. E.coli, the foremost common reason for asymptomatic bacteriuria, was discovered.
