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Effect of Lasix on Urine Output in Male and Female

dc.contributor.authorAlzwi, Monia
dc.description.abstractFurosemide increases urinary water and sodium excretion by inhibiting the sodium potassium chloride cotransporter (NKCC2) in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle. This study analyzes the effects of furosemide on both men and women after a six-hour period. Gender were no statistical significant different between them (P=0.142) , The diuretic effect of oral 40mg furosemide was tested in 12 normal persons. in terms of the rates of urine flow excretion across administrations, Male urine volume was more than female urine volume, ranging from 216.0 to 518.4 ml, whereas female urine volume varied from 216.0 to 518.4 ml. aim This study analyzes the effects of furosemide on both men and women after a six-hour period.en_US
dc.publisherfaculty of applied basic medical science - Libyan international medical universityen_US
dc.titleEffect of Lasix on Urine Output in Male and Femaleen_US

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