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Clinical trials of Ebola virus treatment

dc.contributor.authorImammer eljaly, Safa
dc.descriptionEbola virus disease (EVD), one of the deadliest viral diseases, was discovered in 1976 when two consecutive outbreaks of fatal hemorrhagic fever occurred in different parts of central Africa. The first outbreak occurred in the Congo in a village near the Ebola river, which gave the virus its name, the second outbreak occurs what is now south Sudan. The largest outbreak to date took place in West Africa between march 2014 and June 2016; it resulted in 28,646 cases and 11,323 deaths and affected 10 countries in Africa, Europe, and North America. (1) Ebola virus (EBOV), member of the Filoviruses which are family of viruses that are appearing as long filamentous threads or as odd-shaped. Moreover, Filoviruses are highly virulent and require maximum containment facilities ( Biosafety level 4 ).en_US
dc.description.abstractEbola virus disease (EVD) is a deadly incurable illness; however there are ways and stratgies by which the treatment could be reashed . some of which are, by inhibiting the action of viruse glycoproteins therby preventing viral entery into the host cell, by interrupt transcraption of the viruse and that happeing by preventing the dephosphoraltion of VP30 viral factor that is needed in transcription of the virus and it must be in its dephosphoraltion form, by iteraction between ebola viurs protein (VP30) and human protein (RBBP6) which has an ability to stop Ebola viruse life cycle.en_US
dc.publisherfaculty of Basic Medical Science - Libyan International Medical Universityen_US
dc.rightsAttribution 3.0 United States*
dc.titleClinical trials of Ebola virus treatmenten_US

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